
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Naming Recognition Procedures

Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) These procedures support the Naming Recognition Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(2) For the purposes of these procedures the following definitions apply:

  1. Benefactor means a person (alive or deceased), a company or other group or organisation who contributes a monetary or other benefit (by way of donation, gift or for a benefit in return) to the University
  2. Naming means recognising a person or organisation by applying their name to a University property or a defined part of the University's operations
  3. Non-Standard means a scholarship that is not named after the donor nor someone with whom they are directly connected
  4. Organisational Unit means a School, Institute or Centre, an academic or administrative unit, a department or directorate
  5. Property means buildings, facilities, and spaces including but not limited to roads, bridges, car parks, walkways, gardens, sporting grounds, building complexes or precincts, courtyards, outdoor laboratory facilities, dams, lakes, fields and any other physical spaces; or parts of a building such as wings, reading rooms, libraries, foyers, lecture theatres, meeting rooms or tutorial rooms, performance or gallery spaces, and laboratories
  6. Standard means a scholarship that is named after the donor, or someone with whom the donor is directly connected, such as their relative, their company or their business name
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Section 3 - Procedures

Part A - Proposals and Approval

(3) Any individual or organisation, including from within the University, may lodge a written proposal for naming to the Executive Director, Advancement.

(4) Proposals must include:

  1. detailed relevant information about the proposed name including information about the honouree’s contribution (including financial) to, or association with, the University
  2. a recommendation regarding the length of time that the naming recognition will be in place

(5) The Executive Director, Advancement will:

  1. assess and manage naming proposals
  2. reject proposals that do not meet the requirements of the Naming Recognition Policy
  3. consult with key University areas that are relevant to the proposal
  4. where a proposal includes an Indigenous Australian name or language, ensure that appropriate University and community consultation is undertaken. This may include seeking advice from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Indigenous Leadership; Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education; Indigenous Australian staff and students and/or community consultation with relevant stakeholders
  5. negotiate with potential benefactors in confidence and with flexibility due to the competitive nature of philanthropic funding. Bearing this in mind, any affected stakeholders will be advised of the naming as soon as possible
  6. ensure that proposals to recognise living persons are only undertaken with their consent
  7. in the case of proposals to recognise a deceased person, consult with relevant parties where it is appropriate and practicable to do so and consistent with the Naming Recognition Procedures - Memorial Establishment and the Death Response Policy
  8. report annually on all approved namings, for inclusion in the University's Annual Report

(6) The Office of Advancement will:

  1. liaise with and manage the relationship with the proposer and/or benefactor on behalf of the University
  2. forward proposals to the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) or Vice-President (VP), via the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor (if relevant) for endorsement

(7) The relevant DVC/VP will:

  1. forward endorsed proposals to either the Vice-Chancellor and President, or Academic Senate, or the Board of Trustees for approval under the Delegations of Authority Policy, depending on the item to be named

(8) The Vice-Chancellor and President, or Academic Senate, or the Board of Trustees will:

  1. consider naming recognition proposals and, if supported,
  2. approve the naming recognition within their delegations set out in the Delegations of Authority Policy

(9) Academic Senate must report to the Board of Trustees on all standard scholarship namings that it approves under the Delegations of Authority Policy.

(10) All parties must maintain the confidentiality of naming recognition proposals.

Part B - Communications

(11) The Office of Advancement will:

  1. in conjunction with the Division of Infrastructure and Commercial and the Office of Marketing, coordinate communication or publication of the naming, as well as any celebration associated with the approval, such as an unveiling ceremony
  2. maintain records of naming recognition proposals and approvals, in accordance the Records and Archives Management Policy and the Privacy Policy

(12) The Division of Infrastructure and Commercial will, where the naming recognition is applied to property or a building:

  1. communicate the naming recognition via a plaque or similar in a prominent location such as a foyer, and include information about the honouree

Part C - Name Usage

(13) Names approved under these procedures must, where practicable, be used in conjunction with any functional names allocated. For example the:

  1. Graham Swain Library, Building G1, Hawkesbury Campus rather than Library, Building G1, Hawkesbury Campus
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(14) Refer to Associated Information